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Chapter 8. Functions

Passing an Arbitrary Number of Arguments

  • Function uses *arg_name to collects arbitrary number of arguments.
  • * in parameter tells Python to make an empty tuple called arg_name and pack whatever values it receives into this tuple

NOTE: *args is open used as generic parameter name

def make_pizza(*toppings):
    """Summarize the pizza we are about to make."""
    print("\nMaking a pizza with the following toppings:")
    for topping in toppings:
        print(f"- {topping}")

make_pizza('mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese')

Mixing Positional and Arbitrary Arguments

  • If function accept different kinds of arguments, Arbitrary Arguments must be placed at last.
def make_pizza(size, *toppings):
    """Summarize the pizza we are about to make."""
    print(f"\nMaking a {size}-inch pizza with the following toppings:")
    for topping in toppings:
        print(f"- {topping}")

make_pizza(16, 'pepperoni')
make_pizza(12, 'mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese')

Using Arbitrary Keyword Arguments

  • Function can use double asterisks ** to cause Python to create an empty dictionary called user_info and pack whatever name-value pairs.
def build_profile(first, last, **user_info):
    """Build a dictionary containing everything we know about a user."""
    user_info['first_name'] = first
    user_info['last_name'] = last
    return user_info

user_profile = build_profile('albert', 'einstein',

{'location': 'princeton', 'field': 'physics',
'first_name': 'albert', 'last_name': 'einstein'}

Storing Your Functions in Modules

Functions can be stored in different modules (python scripts) for better management.

Importing an Entire Module

 import pizza

pizza.make_pizza(16, 'pepperoni')
pizza.make_pizza(12, 'mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese')

Importing Specific Functions

from module_name import function_name

Using as to Give a Function an Alias

from module_name import function_name as fn

Using as to Give a Module an Alias

import pizza as p

p.make_pizza(16, 'pepperoni')
p.make_pizza(12, 'mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese')

Importing All Functions in a Module

from module_name import *

Styling Functions

  • Functions should have descriptive names, and function names should be lowercase letters and underscores.
  • Every function should have a comment that explain concisely what the function does.
  • If specify a default value, no space separation def function_name(parameter_0, parameter_1='default value')

Generally follow PEP8