c65e946f09Fix Pokedex.stories.tsx for moving filterPokemonCardsByType, sortPokemonCardsByIdOrName, searchPokemonCardsByName into pokedexSlice, so we can have memorized filtered pokedexJason Zhu2023-06-04 16:39:51 +10:00
6fab4b8217Put filter pokemonCard logic into reduxJason Zhu2023-06-04 15:27:28 +10:00
8c1e2806d5Modified README to add .gif filesJason Zhu2023-05-31 14:43:47 +10:00
766a48f7c0Centralised all infoDialogSlice related storybook preparation in infoDialogSlice.storybook.ts to reduce code footprint
Jason Zhu2023-05-20 15:46:28 +10:00
8f217d678aImplement onClick action in EvolutionSpecies.tsx, and fix all related storybookJason Zhu2023-05-20 15:07:12 +10:00
99fd0577fdRemoved unnecessary code snippets in Pokedex.stories.tsxJason Zhu2023-05-20 14:29:58 +10:00
bf3cbe886bTrying to use type alis extension to replace overlap interface definitionJason Zhu2023-05-20 12:42:04 +10:00
768c84d6b8Remove pagination fetching in pokeApi.tsJason Zhu2023-05-19 23:28:36 +10:00
bde86898e2Fixed most warning in pokeApi.ts and Pokedex.tsxJason Zhu2023-05-19 22:48:15 +10:00
4a13b56c98Remove unnecessary element in PokemonResponseData typeJason Zhu2023-05-19 22:00:22 +10:00
2513d4365fMove initialization of Filter Slice into filterSlice.tsJason Zhu2023-05-19 21:57:52 +10:00
d27ad13e57Implemented closing of InfoDialogJason Zhu2023-05-18 22:59:36 +10:00
ff05a9bf83Complete InfoDialog feature, now we can click info icon on card to show modalJason Zhu2023-05-18 22:46:23 +10:00
8607a8f1adTrying to implement InfoDialogSlice and related api endpoints (app is running but infodialog is not showing)Jason Zhu2023-05-18 22:03:36 +10:00
281eafc863Add *.log and *.tsbuildinfo into .gitignoreJason Zhu2023-05-17 21:51:17 +10:00
78b7a4a5f4Trying to impolement InfoDialogSlice and related api endpoints (Code is faulty)Jason Zhu2023-05-17 21:50:34 +10:00
8c442946d3Fixed PokemonCard render issue for single type, by using unit testJason Zhu2023-05-15 21:21:45 +10:00
c50862adbfRenamed stories in PokemonTypes.stories.tsx to have correct story namesJason Zhu2023-05-15 21:20:18 +10:00
03e973c68dRemove unnecessary import in InfoDialogComponent.stories.tsxJason Zhu2023-05-15 20:54:22 +10:00
02de053d90Modify all story files, remove deprecated method and use new Meta & StoryObj from Storybook v7Jason Zhu2023-05-15 20:53:17 +10:00
50e64b5197Implemented functional Pokedex.stories.tsx by using decorator to connect Pokedex component with redux storeJason Zhu2023-05-15 20:30:11 +10:00
05d31c55a9Rename .storybook/main.js to main.ts and add type to make it worksJason Zhu2023-05-15 20:03:20 +10:00
3eb8eb836eRename preview.js to preview.ts to use storybook v7 PreviewJason Zhu2023-05-15 19:48:08 +10:00
42a4a86e34Fix import in InfoDialog component so storybook can render successfullyJason Zhu2023-05-15 19:10:22 +10:00
3539b6febeSeparate selected Region/Type/Sort/SearchInput out of Pokedex, so it become easier for testing in storybookJason Zhu2023-05-08 00:24:16 +10:00