
1.4 KiB

Chapter 4. Expressions and Operators

4.1 Primary Expressions

4.2 Object and Array Initializers

4.3 Function Definition Expressions

4.4 Property Access Expressions

4.4.1 Conditional Property Access

4.5 Invocation Expressions

4.5.1 Conditional Invocation

4.6 Object Creation Expressions

4.7 Operator Overview

4.7.1 Number of Operands

4.7.2 Operand and Result Type

4.7.3 Operator Side Effects

4.7.4 Operator Precedence

4.7.5 Operator Associativity

4.7.6 Order of Evaluation

4.8 Arithmetic Expressions

4.8.1 The + Operator

4.8.2 Unary Arithmetic Operators

4.8.3 Bitwise Operators

4.9 Relational Expressions

4.9.1 Equality and Inequality Operators

4.9.2 Comparison Operators

4.9.3 The in Operator

4.9.4 The instanceof Operator

4.10 Logical Expressions

4.10.1 Logical AND (&&)

4.10.2 Logical OR (||)

4.10.3 Logical NOT (!)

4.11 Assignment Expressions

4.11.1 Assignment with Operation

4.12 Evaluation Expressions

4.12.1 eval()

4.12.2 Global eval()

4.12.3 Strict eval()

4.13 Miscellaneous Operators

4.13.1 The Conditional Operator (?:)

4.13.2 First-Defined (??)

4.13.3 The typeof Operator

4.13.4 The delete Operator

4.13.5 The await Operator

4.13.6 The void Operator

4.13.7 The comma Operator (,)