* comma-separated list of colon-separated `name:value` pairs, enclosed within `{}`.
* property *name*: JS identifier or string
* property *value*: JS expression
let empty = {}; // An object with no properties
let point = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // Two numeric properties
let p2 = { x: point.x, y: point.y+1 }; // More complex values
let book = {
"main title": "JavaScript", // These property names include spaces,
"sub-title": "The Definitive Guide", // and hyphens, so use string literals.
for: "all audiences", // for is reserved, but no quotes.
author: { // The value of this property is
firstname: "David", // itself an object.
surname: "Flanagan"
When object literal works:
* Object literal creates & initializes a new & distinct obj every time it's evaluated.
* In loop body, a new obj can be created repeatedly.
### 6.2.2 Creating Objects with new
* **`new` operator**
* creates & initialize a new object
* syntax: `new` followed by function invocation as **constructor**
let o = new Object(); // Create an empty object: same as {}.
let a = new Array(); // Create an empty array: same as [].
let d = new Date(); // Create a Date object representing the current time
let r = new Map(); // Create a Map object for key/value mapping
### 6.2.3 Prototypes
Almost all JS obj has a prototype associate with it:
* All objs created using **object literal** (shown in 6.2.1) are associated with the same prototype obj, referred by `Object.prototype`
* objs created using `new` (invoking constructor) use *value of constructor function's `prototype` property* as prototype
*`new Object()` inherits from `Object.prototype`
*`new Array()` inherits from `Array.prototype`
* Only few objects have `prototype` property, they are used to define `prototypes` for all other objs.
### 6.2.4 Object.create()
3 Methods below demonstrated ability to create a new obj with an arbitrary prototype:
* Create new obj w/ defined prototype using **`Object.create()`**
let o1 = Object.create({x: 1, y: 2}); // o1 inherits properties x and y.
o1.x + o1.y // => 3
* Create new obj w/o prototype by parsing `null`
* Created obj inherit no property or method (e.g. `toString()`)
let o2 = Object.create(null); // o2 inherits no props or methods.
* Create ordinary new empty obj using **`Object.prototype`** (like obj returned by `{}` or `Object()`)
let o3 = Object.create(Object.prototype); // o3 is like {} or new Object().
#### Use created object to guard unintended modification
* Q: How to guard against unintended modification of an obj by a function (from other library)?
* A: Instead of passing the obj directly to the function, pass an obj that inherit from it. So writing property do not affect original value. (like passing a read-only)
let o = { x: "don't change this value" };
library.function(Object.create(o)); // Guard against accidental modifications
* using dot (`.`): RHS of dot should be simple identifier (not string) of property
* using square bracket (`[]`): value within `[]` should be an expression that evalutes to a string (or sth can convert to string) that contains property name
let author = book.author; // Get the "author" property of the book.
let name = author.surname; // Get the "surname" property of the author.
let title = book["main title"]; // Get the "main title" property of the book.
Create/Set a property:
* Query property, and place it on LHS
book.edition = 7; // Create an "edition" property of book.
book["main title"] = "ECMAScript"; // Change the "main title" property.
### 6.3.1 Objects As Associative Arrays
object.property // C like structure access
object["property"] // associative array
JS objects are **Associative Arrays** (e.g. hash or map or dictionary)
* In strong typed language (e.g. C/C++), obj's property are defined. While, JS program can **create any number of properties in any object in runtime**
*`.` operator requires name of the property as identifier, which may be unknown in code.