20 lines
766 B

# GCC support can be specified at major, minor, or micro version
# (e.g. 8, 8.2 or 8.2.0).
# See https://hub.docker.com/r/library/gcc/ for all supported GCC
# tags from Docker Hub.
# See https://docs.docker.com/samples/library/gcc/ for more on how to use this image
FROM gcc:latest as dev
# These commands copy your files into the specified directory in the image
# and set that as the working location
COPY SDK/nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde /usr/src/myapp
WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_blinky
# This command compiles your app using GCC, adjust for your source code
# RUN g++ -o myapp main.cpp
# This command runs your application, comment out this line to compile only
# CMD ["./myapp"]
LABEL Name=nordic-gcc Version=0.0.1