jason.zhu edited this page 2021-02-05 18:06:10 +11:00

Working with Codes

This tutorial talks about how to work inside container

  • Update Docker Compose for dev need
  • Entering dev container using docker compose
  • Create source codes in dev container
  • Installing dependencies
    • C# nuget
    • Golang go get
    • Nodejs npm install
    • Python pip install
  • Compile and Run code

Benefit of dev with docker: decouple machine from dev environment, make host clean, and dev everywhere

Docker compose file is basically script version of docker run

Create C# website and run webapp

Update docker-compose file in csharp service

Adding following to services:

    working_dir: /work
    entrypoint: /bin/sh
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - ./c#/src/:/work
      - 5000:5000


  • working_dir set working directory in container
  • volumes set for mounting volume, which we directly mount source code into container working directory
  • 5000:5000, 1st one is the port on host, 2nd one is the exposed port in container

Build/Run dotnet image, and working it in VSCode

  1. docker-compose csharp, where csharp is the service name defined in docker-compose file
  2. docker-compose run -d csharp to start container
  3. In VScode, select the running container and click Attach Visual Studio Code, otherwise the normal vscode don't have privilege to run it later

Create & Run .NET webapp

  1. In new created attached VSCode window dotnet new webapp to create .NET app source code, these source code are all root based
  2. Modify the source code by adding .UseUrl("http://*:5000") to create a simple website in Program.cs
  3. Build the webapp by dotnet build in attached VSCode
  4. Run webapp by dotnet run in attached VSCode, we can now view the web in host via localhost:5000

Further detail can be referred in: