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2020-07-25 18:26:57 +10:00
# Lesson 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java
## 3.1 Write a simple Java program
public class FirstSample
public static void main(Sting[] args)
System.out.println("We will not use 'Hello, World!'")S
* Java is case sensitive: `Main` is not `main`
* Keywords `public`, `static`, etc.
* Braces `{}` are used for blocks
* Statements end in semicolons `;`
* Everything is inside a class. (i.e. everything is class). Creating second class is similar.
* By convention, class names are *CamelCase*
* Source file must be called `FirstSample.java`
* `System.out.println(<str>);`
* `System.out.` is an object
* `println` is an method of `System.out`
* General structure: `object.method(parameters)`
* Parentheses needed even if there are no parameters: `System.out.println();`
Comment in Java
* Single line: `//`
* Multiple line: `/* new line */`
* Documentation comments: `/** documentation lines */`
* comments does not nest
## 3.2 Work with numeric data type
### Data Type
#### Integer
Four Integer types
| Type | byte number | description |
| ------- | ----------- | ------------------------------- |
| `int` | 4 | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648 |
| `short` | 2 | -32,768 to 32,768 |
| `long` | 8 | |
| `byte` | 1 | |
When writing number, there are **Number Literals**
* Long: `400000000L`
* Hex: `0xCAFE`
* Binary: `0b1111_0100` use `_` to s
#### Floating type
Two Floating types:
| Type | byte number | Description |
| -------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| `float` | 4 | |
| `double` | 8 | |
Floating Literal:
* float literals: `0.5F`
* Only use `float` if a library requires it
* Special values `Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY`, `Double.DEGATIVE_INFINITY`, `Double.NaN`
#### `char` Type
* Originally used to describe Unicode char with UTF-8 encoding. But now unicode has grow to UTF-16. So, every unicode char requires 1 or 2 char:
* e.g. "U+1D546"
* Avoid `char` unless you know what it is
* Char literal enclosed in single quotes. e.g. `'A'`
* Special unicode. e.g. `\n`, or `\u2122` (for trade mark symble)
#### Bool Type
* 2 values: `false`, `true`.
* No conversion btw `int` and `boolean`
Totally Java has 8 primitive types:
* `int`, `long`, `short`, `byte`
* `double`, `float`
* `char`
* `boolean`
### Variable
* Java is strongly typed language. Every variable must be declared with type (like C, C++): `int VacationDays`
* Initialization is optional: `int vacationDays = 12;`
* Declaration can happen everywhere, recommanded to be declare along first use
* Can assign new value with `=` operator
* **Constant** declared with `final`: `final int vacationDays = 12;`
### Math Operations & Functions
* Arithmetic: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`
* Integer division and modulus: `/` and `%`
* Using function from Math class:
* `Math.sqrt(x)` for square root
* `Math.pow(a,b)` a power of b
* `Math.floorMod(a,b)` like `a%b`
* Trig and log functions: `Math.sin()`
Conversion between types are possible, as long as they don't loss information. Otherwise explicit convert use **casts** e.g.:
double x = 9.997;
int nx = (int) x;
int rx = (int) Math.round(x)
### More Operations
* Combining assignment with operators: `n+=4`
* `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`
* Increment, decrement: `n++`, `n--`
* Relational operators: `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`
* Boolean operators: `&&`, `||`, `!`
* Bitwise operators: `&`, `|`, `^`, `>>`, `>>>`, `<<`
* Conditional operator: `x<y ? x:y`, if true, then x; if false, then y
### Enumerated (枚举) Types
* A type with restricted set of values. e.g. `enum Size {SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA_LARGE}`
* Can declare variable of this type: `Size z = Size.MEDIUM`
* Variable of type `s` can only hold size values or `null`; So much safer for coding
### Java 9 New Feature: JShell Tips
* `Shift+Tab, V` fills in variable declaration
* `Shift+Tab, I` fills in import declaration
### Java 10 New Feature: Local Type Interference
* Can use `var` instead of type for local variable: `var counter = 0;`
* Still strongly types: `counter = 0.5;` will lead to error as can't assign a double to int
* Useful for unwieldy (complicated) type names: `var traces = Thread.getAllStackTraces(); // a Map<Thread,StackTraceElement[]>`
## 3.3 Work with Strings and API documentation
### String Manipulation
* String = a sequence of Unicode characters.
* Enclosed in double quotes: `"Java\u2122"
* It's instance of `String` class
#### Substring
* Use `substring` method to extract substrings
* Position start at zero: 0,1,2,3...
* Last position is excluded: exclude 3rd char
* Position are code units
String gretting = "Hello"
String s = greeting.substring(0,3); // return "Hel"
#### String Concatenation
* Concatenation (+) joins strings
* If one operand is not a string (e.g. int), it's cast to string characters
String expletive = "Expletive";
String PG13 = "deleted";
String message = expletive + PG13;
#### More about Strings
* String are immutable: `greeting.substring(0,3)` or `greeting + "!"` does not change `greeting`. As the object itself is not changed, it only return a new object
* Can be reassigned: `greeting = greeting.substring(0,3)`
* String comparison: `"Hello".equals(greeting)` or `"Hello".equalsIgnoreCase(greeting)`
* Don't use `==`: because `==` check whether it point to a same memory
* Empty string "" has length `0`
* `null` indicates no string at all.
#### Code Points and Code Units
* `s.length()` = number of code units (not Unicode characters)
* `s.charAt(i)` = ith code unit
* Slice string to get ith code point:
int index = s.offsetByCodePoints(0,i);
int cp = s.codePointAt(index);
* To get all code points: `int[] codePoints = str.codePoints().toArray();`
#### String API
* There are many useful `String` methods
* `trim` yield a new string
* `toLowerCase`
* etc.
## 3.4 Write programs that read input & produce output
### Terminal input
* Read console input from a `Scanner`
* `System.in` by itself used as system console, but cannot read in
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
* `Scanner` object has methods `nextLine`, `next`, `nextInt`, `nextDouble` to read input:
int age = in.nextInt();
* Need to add import statement:
import java.util*
### Terminal output (formatted)
* Use `printf` for formatted printing:
* `f` for floating-point, `d` for integer, `s` for string, etc.
System.out.printf("Price:%8.2f", 10000.0/3.0); // Print Price: 3333.33
Just for formatting string (not output)
String message = String.format("Hello, %s. Next year, you'll be %d", name, age);
### Read/Write File
Same as terminal input/output. Just use object to deal with file
* Read from a file
Scanner in = new Scanner(Paths.get("myfile.txt"), "UTF-8");
* Writing to a file using PrintWriter constructor
Printwriter out = new PrintWriter("myfile.txt", "UTF-8");
out println(...);
* Require packages `import java.io, java.nio.path`
* Need to tag `main`, for compilation error catching
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(Paths.get("myfile.txt"), "UTF-8");
## 3.5 Use the control flow constructs of the Java
* If statement.
* While statement: check condition first. e.g. [Retirement.java](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/Retirement/Retirement.java)
* Do while statement: do before check condition. e.g. [Retirement2.java](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/Retirement2/Retirement2.javas)
* For loop: e.g. [LotteryOdds.java](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/LotteryOdds/LotteryOdds.java)
* Switch statement
* `break` statement;
* `continue` statement will skip remaining and jump to next iteration
Used to breaks out of a loop
while (years <= 100)
balance += payment;
double interest = balance * interestRate / 100;
balance += interest;
if (balance >= goal)
We can always replace `break` by placing remainder insider `if`
while (years <=100 && balance < goal)
balance += payment;
double interest = balance * interestRate / 100;
balance += interest;
if (balance < goal)
## 3.6 Work with big numbers when arbitrary precision is required
* If precision of `int` or `double` not enough, use `BigInteger` or `BigDecimal`
* Turn an `int` into a `BigInteger`
BigInteger a = BigInteger.valueOf(100000000);
* Use methods such as `add` and `multiply` to combine big numbers. You cannot use math operator on object
BigInteger c = a.add(b);
BigInteger d = c.multiply(b.add(BigInteger.valueOf(2)));
e.g. as shown in [BigIntegerTest.java](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/BigIntegerTest/BigIntegerTest.java)
## 3.7 Use arrays to store multiple elements of same type
### Creating/Initialize Array
* Type of array of object: `type[]`. e.g. `int[]`
* Array variable declaration: `int[] a;`
* `new` operator need to create object: `int[] a = new int[100];`
* Array indexes are from `0` to `a.length-1`
* Use `[]` bracket to access elements: `a[i]`
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
* Or use `for each` loop, e.g.
for (int element : a)
* Declare & Initialize array: `int[] smallPrimes = {2,3,5,7};`
* Anonymous arrays: `new int[] {17,19,23,29}`
### Copy Arrays
* Copying array like `int[] array1 = array2;` will not trully copy, it only copied reference. Hence both array variables are pointing toward same memory. Changing in one will result change in another
* True copy via `Arrays.copyOf(array, length)` method
e.g. as shown in [LotteryDrawing.java](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/LotteryDrawing/LotteryDrawing.java)
### Multidimensional Arrays
* `int[][]` is an array of arrays or a 2-d dimensional array:
int[][] magicSquare =
* Without initializer:
int[][] magicSquare = new int[ROWS][COLUMS];
* Access element: `magicSquare[1][2]`
* Use loop to traverse elements
for (int[] row : magicSquare)
for (int element : row)
// do something
e.g. as shown in [CompoundInteres](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/CompoundInterest/CompoundInterest.java)
**Ragged array** (each row does not has same number of elements) as shown in [LotteryArray.java](Core_JAVA_Volume1/corejava/v1ch03/LotteryArray/LotteryArray.java)